Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Trip to Orlanda

I had an interesting week as I travelled to Orlando Florida for the FETC conference.  It is a conference promoting the use of technology in the schools.

On my way to Saskatoon I had to pull over on the highway as there was a semi on the side of the road totally in flames.  There was one other vehicle stopped and others just drove by the burning vehicle.  Eventually the gas tank blew just 5 seconds after a car had passed by.  I couldn't believe people were flirting with disaster by passing on by.

The traffic was backed-up for a lengthy period of time and 3 firetrucks and a police car showed up.  I was stuck there for an extra 30 mins.

I had planned to get there a little early and go to a movie but this slowed me down enough I missed it.  I decided to stop at McDonalds for a vanilla shake and when I did there was a guy begging for change near the door.  I told him I don't handout money but to come on in and I would buy him whatever he wanted.  We had a great conversation, he told me all about his life and how he came to live in Saskatoon without a home.  I warned him that a cold front was moving in and that he should find some shelter.  He said he had been to the shelters and they were all full.  He was spending his time hiding in apartment buildings to stay warm.

As I listened to his story I was evaluating what I believed was true and what was not.  After I finished supper and was getting ready to leave he began to collect anything I had left behind, the fries that fell on the table, anything that fell on the table or tray I didn't eat.  I asked him what he was doing and he said he was saving the rest for tomorrow morning.  I went to the counter and picked up a gift card for him.  I again warned him about the cold coming and told him that he could use this card for food or just to come in and get out of the cold as some -40C temperatures were on their way.

I have no idea what, if any, impact this had on this person's life.  I hope he made it through the cold.  The interesting thing is that God has put us in places for a reason.  Sometimes they may not be the places you want to be but throughout all things I want to be someone who is a light in this world.  Buying some food for someone who has none is a ridiculously small thing.  I have money.  Even if the guy was scamming me worst case scenario he got away with some food and I had some company for supper.  Fair trade.

As a follower of Jesus I should live a life thinking of others.  In order to do that you have to meet people which was what I did the rest of the trip.

The night I lost my shirt because I left it at the bar.

In Florida I sat with a group of people that were in the same business as me.  We had a great time at a vendor event where there was an open bar and supper.  It was very interesting to hear what they were doing in Florida.  After the event they wanted to go out to a club called Howl at the Moon so off we went.  It was a lot of fun.  There was a great band playing and they were filming a promo video.  I haven't checked to see if I made it into the video, that would be very funny as I am not really a bar going person usually.  We had a great time there and I soon learned that the crew I was with loved to drink and party.  This is where I lost my shirt.  the vendor had given me a t-shirt and when I went back to the hotel I forgot it at the bar.

I know not as interesting of a story as I made it sound in the title.

After the conference was over we had some time to go to the Tampa Bay Lightning, Winnipeg Jets game.  Tickets were cheap and it was interesting going to a game in a new city.  One of the interesting elements was that when we walked in the front door I was given a hug by a cheerleader and had my picture taken with a couple of them.

The funny thing was again this was a tiny little gesture on her part.  She is paid to be there and greet people as they come in but this tiny little gesture put a smile on my face for the rest of the day, on a day when I was very tired and feeling stressed out.

We don't know the kind of impact we have on people but it is important that I learn to let God's love flow through me wherever I am.

My prayer is that God would keep building a better me.

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